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Table of contents

  1. Grading
    1. Homeworks
    2. Exams
  2. Regrading
  3. Collaboration
  4. Honor Code
  5. Masking Policy
  6. Wellness Statement
  7. DEI Statement


Your grade will be based on three components: Homeworks 50% (HW0: Required (2%), HW1-HW4: 10% each, HW5: 8%); Midterm 20%; Final 30%.


Homeworks will be posted on Mondays, every two weeks except for the week of the midterm. They will be due on the Friday the week after they have been released. Grades will be made available within 10 days of the deadline. Your homeworks will be submitted via Gradescope. Coding will be in Python. Written homeworks should be submitted in Latex. A template will be made available with the homework. Each student will have 144 cumulative hours (6 days) of late time (as measured on Canvas), which will be forgiven. After this cumulative amount of time has passed, any assignment that is turned in late will receive zero credit. Furthermore, only up to 48 hours (2 days) of late time may be used on any one assignment; any assignment turned in more than 48 hours late will receive zero credit.


There will be two exams: (1) a Midterm exam to be held on February 23, 2023 during the lecture, and (2) a Final exam to be held in May (date/time TBA).


If you would like a regrade of an assignment or exam, you must submit your request within 1 week from the date when grades are released. All requests must be made through Gradescope with a written explanation of the concern. They will not be entertained during the OHs or lectures.


Collaboration is permitted and encouraged for homeworks, though each student must understand, write, and hand in their own submission. In particular, it is acceptable for students to discuss problems with each other; it is not acceptable for students to look at another student’s written answers when writing their own. It is also not acceptable to publicly post your (partial) solution on Ed, but it is is encouraged for you to ask public questions on Ed. If you choose to collaborate, you must indicate on each homework with whom you collaborated. No collaboration or discussion is allowed for exams.

Honor Code

The purpose of homeworks is to help you get a deeper understanding of the course material and practice with applying the concepts learned in class, not just give us the right answers. You are encouraged to use online resources for learning more about the material covered in class; however, you should not look for or use found solutions to questions in the homeworks. This includes any solutions found on the internet to questions in the homework, solutions by a student in a previous class or by a current classmate, and/or by querying ChatGPT. Cheating will be punished according to university regulations as determined by the Office of Student Conduct and the University.

Masking Policy

For the health and safety of everyone, we are requiring that all students wear a mask during class and office hours. If you are feeling sick, we encourage you to stay at home and recover.

Wellness Statement

Your mental health and wellbeing are incredibly important to us and we recognize the stresses (both school and non-school related) that many of you may be under here at Penn. We encourage you to come speak to the us as well as the TAs if you have any extenuating circumstances as you progress through this course.

We want to make sure that you are aware of some of the mental health resources here at Penn.

  • Student health and counseling: the primary care and psychological care division of Wellness at Penn which can be used to schedule counseling appointments.
  • Mental health at Penn: Penn’s mental health hub.
  • If there is any urgent concern, please contact CAPS at 215-898-7021 for emergency help.

If you are a victim of, witness, or are otherwise affected by unacceptable behavior:

DEI Statement

At Penn and in this class we value and actively seek to include all students and their unique identities (including but not limited to ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, country of origin, class, religion, and disability status). You belong here, and we are here to help you. If at any time, you feel that this class is not providing an inclusive environment to your or your classmates, please let us know. We want this class, lectures, office hours, review sessions, and exams, to be an inclusive space where you feel comfortable learning.